Brady's Algorithm for Program Generation
The aim of the Busy Beaver game is to find the longest running Turing machine program of n states and k colors. Busy Beaver programs could in principle be written by hand, but nobody has ever succeeded in doing so. Instead, these programs are discovered through exhaustive search. This is done by a two-stage process:
- Generate a list of candidate programs.
- Run them all.
Stage two raises an obvious question: run them for how long? It would be great to run them all for infinitely many steps, but that’s nonsense. Only finitely many steps can be executed. So how many? What we’re looking for is a natural number S and an nk-program P such that P halts after S steps. But there’s no way to upper-bound S in terms of n and k; for if there were, it could be used to solve the halting problem, and that’s impossible. The only way to deal with this is to pick a step limit T and run everything for that many steps. There isn’t any principled way to decide on a good T; in practice it’s determined by 1) how powerful my hardware is, 2) how long I’m willing to wait, and 3) my out-of-thin-air estimate on the upper bound of S. The history of Busy Beaver research is littered with estimates of S that turned out to be comically wrong. I’ve even made a few stupid estimates myself!
The first stage, program generation, is a little more nuanced. The difficulties here are not uncomputable; instead, they are “just” infeasible. It’s easy to write code to enumerate every n-state k-color program, but the number of nk-programs grows multiple-exponentially: there are O(nknk) of them. This is because an nk-program has one instruction per state per color, and there are 2nk possible instructions. This gets out of hand quickly.
Normalization helps a little. Because the Busy Beaver game always started on the blank tape, we can assume (why?) that the first instruction of every program is 1RB
. This knocks the exponent down by one, to O(nk(nk-1)).
The halt instruction also helps. In the classic Busy Beaver game program are required to execute a halt instruction, so every candidate program must have at least one. Its exact location in the program might differ, introducing a multiplicative constant, but the exponent is still reduced to O(nk(nk - 2)). However, this only works for classic Busy Beaver. For variants like Blanking Beaver or Beeping Busy Beaver this optimization is not available. I regard this as evidence that these sequences are more powerful.
Straightforward enumeration tends to produce a lot of junk programs, or programs that are obviously not of any interest. One problem is that an enumerated program will be filled in all the way, even it has instructions that may not be reachable starting from the blank tape. Another problem is that isomorphic duplicates are generated: programs that are equivalent through permutation of states or colors. Remember that all these programs will be passed on to stage two where they will be run for a long time. Trying to muscle through a long list of junk to find something good is wasteful, if indeed it’s feasible at all.
The solution to this is Brady’s algorithm, also known as the tree generation method. Devised by Allen Brady in 1964, it is, as far as anyone knows, the best program generation algorithm there is. All non-trivial Busy Beaver champions were discovered using Brady’s algorithm, including the first one and the second one that I found.
The goal of the algorithm is to yield a list of programs that are worth investigating further. We want to avoid duds, but we also want to avoid discarding anything that might be valuable. In short, we want to pass on all and only interesting programs to stage two.
A nice feature of Brady’s algorithm is that it is parallelizable, so that’s how I’ll describe it. Imagine that there are some workers and a pile of programs. Initially there is just one program in the pile, which is totally undefined except for the instruction A0 -> 1RB
. Every worker now undertakes the following task:
Grab a program from the pile (or wait a short while if the pile is empty and try again, and quit if it’s still empty).
Run that program for up to some fairly small number of steps (between one and three hundred, say) or until an undefined instruction is reached or a termination condition is detected.
If the step limit is reached, output the program – it might be a good one!
If a termination condtiion like Lin recurrence is reached, throw the program away – it’s no good!
If an undefined instruction is reached, construct all the possible extensions of the program at that instruction slot pursuant to these constraints: the states that can be used are the states that have been visited so far plus the next one that hasn’t, and similar or colors. Put each extension back on the pile.
Go back to step 1.
And that’s the whole algorithm! A key optimization is the constraint introduced in step 5. This is what eliminates isomorphic duplicates. The algorithm itself solves the problem of eliminating programs with unreachable instructions by only dealing with those programs whose instructions have in fact been reached.
The parameters of the procedure are run step limit and the choice of termination conditions. I have only been able to implement detection for Lin recurrence, and it would work even better to include detection for so-called Christmas tree recurrence and counting recurrence.
Examples. The initial 4-state 2-color program is
After one step it reaches the B0
instruction, which is undefined. Its extensions are
Notice that state D
is not used. The states that have been visited are A
and B
, and state C
is next, so D
cannot be used.
The initial 2-state 4-color program is
After one step it reaches the B0
instruction, which is undefined. Its instructions are
The color 3
is not used, because only colors 0
and 1
have been visited, and 2
is next.
Brady himself seemed to take a somewhat dim view of his algorithm, usually referring to it as an “algorithm”, with “scare quotes”.
The [tree generation] process … is not an algorithm in the strict sense because of the dependency upon a solution to the halting problem; hence the quotes.
I believe this is due to a fault in perspective rather than a fault in the algorithm. Viewed as a solution to the halting problem, it is certainly lacking, because there is no algorithm at all that can solve it. But it is an effective procedure for something, namely the set of programs thereby generated!