when i use haptpt i dont make any effort to dlean up the tesxt i just taype the baer minimum amount of information needed to communicate what i need. i leave in all the typos, dont bothwe with caps, very little pucnutation. franktly the text looks like shit.

what’s amazing is that chatgpt understands all fo it. liek, always. it doesn’t matter how garbled and ansty the text is, it understand saexactly what im asking.

compare this with mesaging a woworkedr i would be absolutely ashamed and embarrased to send a soworker a mesage that lokked like my chatgpt queries. it would be unrprflsseila, it would make like liok like amoron, and worst of all it would be very difficitult for my cowork er to understant. in the best case scearnoi they would have to spend a abunch of time deciphering the garbled text, and in the worst case they woudlnt’ be avble to undrestand it ata lal.

so in order to communate clearly and perserver my reputation, i have to spend time to make my text look nice correct the typpos, getht eformattting nict, structure things the recti way, etc.

but the fct that chatpt undrstands my garbled text shows that all this time spent on text clean up is not nec3ssary for clear communcation. nasty ugly text communicates just fine. so alpparetnly all that time and efector tha tgoes to nice text is wsated. or at elast, its only used is for social status, rather than the utilitatian purpose of communcation.

i can spend time and effcot rto clean up my text so that my coworker can understand. or i could send dirty text, and let my coworker spend time tring to udnrstand. either way, some cleanup overhead is required for human to thuman communction.

now think about all the human to uman text communicaton that goes on. what is the totla aggreata time spent on cleanup overhead? seemd like a gian waste of time.


When I use ChatGPT, I don’t make any effort to clean up the text. I just type the bare minimum amount of information needed to communicate what I need. I leave in all the typos, don’t bother with caps, very little punctuation. Frankly, the text looks like shit.

What’s amazing is that ChatGPT understands all of it. Like, always. It doesn’t matter how garbled and nasty the text is, it understands exactly what I’m asking.

Compare this with messaging a coworker: I would be absolutely ashamed and embarrassed to send a coworker a message that looked like my ChatGPT queries. It would be unprofessional, it would make me look like a moron, and worst of all, it would be very difficult for my coworker to understand. In the best case scenario, they would have to spend a bunch of time deciphering the garbled text, and in the worst case they wouldn’t be able to understand it at all.

So, in order to communicate clearly and preserve my reputation, I have to spend time to make my text look nice, correct the typos, get the formatting right, structure things the correct way, etc.

But the fact that ChatGPT understands my garbled text shows that all this time spent on text clean-up is not necessary for clear communication. Nasty, ugly text communicates just fine. So apparently all that time and effort that goes into nice text is wasted. Or at least, its only use is for social status, rather than the utilitarian purpose of communication.

I can spend time and effort to clean up my text so that my coworker can understand. Or I could send messy text and let my coworker spend time trying to understand it. Either way, some cleanup overhead is required for human-to-human communication.

Now think about all the human-to-human text communication that goes on. What is the total aggregate time spent on cleanup overhead? Seems like a giant waste of time.