Binary Relations in Idris
Every natural number is either zero or the successor of some number. In Idris this is expressed as a type:
data Nat = Z | S Nat
Given two numbers m and n, m ≤ n (that is, m is less than or equal to n) either when m is zero or when m is the successor of j and n is the successor of k and j ≤ k. This is again expressed in Idris as a type:
data LTE : (m, n : Nat) -> Type where
LTEZero : LTE Z n
LTESucc : LTE j k -> LTE (S j) (S k)
≤ is the classic example of a binary relation. In type theory a binary relation is a function of type ty -> ty -> Type
. This is not to be confused with binary operation, which is a function of type ty -> ty -> ty
. Binary operations produce instances of some type, but binary relations produce things that are themselves types. In spirit a binary relation is similar to a function of type ty -> ty -> Bool
; it is a proposition that “says” something that may or may not be true.
Certain common properties are used to classify binary relations and describe their behavior. For example, ≤ is reflexive: x ≤ x for all x. It is also transitive and antisymmetric: if x ≤ y and y ≤ z then x ≤ z; and x ≤ y and y ≤ x only when x = y.
In idris these properties are expressed with interfaces:
interface Reflexive ty rel where
reflexive : {x : ty} -> rel x x
interface Transitive ty rel where
transitive : {x, y, z : ty} -> rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z
interface Antisymmetric ty rel where
antisymmetric : {x, y : ty} -> rel x y -> rel y x -> x = y
Implementing these interfaces for a relation over some type verifies that the relation bears those properties. Sometimes this is difficult, and sometimes it’s easy:
Reflexive Nat LTE where
reflexive {x = Z} = LTEZero
reflexive {x = S k} = LTESucc $ reflexive {x = k}
Transitive Nat LTE where
transitive LTEZero _ = LTEZero
transitive (LTESucc xy) (LTESucc yz) =
LTESucc $ transitive {rel = LTE} xy yz
Antisymmetric Nat LTE where
antisymmetric LTEZero LTEZero = Refl
antisymmetric (LTESucc xy) (LTESucc yx) =
cong S $ antisymmetric xy yx
A preorder is a relation that is both reflexive and transitive, and a partial order is a preorder that is antisymmetric:
interface (Reflexive ty rel, Transitive ty rel) => Preorder ty rel where
interface (Preorder ty rel, Antisymmetric ty rel) => PartialOrder ty rel where
These order properties are empty – just definitions that bundle together other properties. Consequently they are easy to implement:
Preorder Nat LTE where
PartialOrder Nat LTE where
A slightly more complicated property is connexity. A relation is connex over a type if any two distinct instances of the type are related one way or another, and a linear order is a connex partial order:
interface Connex ty rel where
connex : {x, y : ty} -> Not (x = y) -> Either (rel x y) (rel y x)
interface (PartialOrder ty rel, Connex ty rel) => LinearOrder ty rel where
≤ is connex over the naturals, but this is trickier to prove than the other properties:
Connex Nat LTE where
connex {x = Z} _ = Left LTEZero
connex {y = Z} _ = Right LTEZero
connex {x = S _} {y = S _} prf =
case connex {rel = LTE} $ prf . (cong S) of
Left jk => Left $ LTESucc jk
Right kj => Right $ LTESucc kj
LinearOrder Nat LTE where
≤ is antisymmetric: x ≤ y implies y ≤ x only when y = x. A relation is symmetric when it goes both ways unconditionally:
interface Symmetric ty rel where
symmetric : {x, y : ty} -> rel x y -> rel y x
A simple example of a symmetric relation is the relation of being-within-one-of:
WithinOneOf : (a, b : Nat) -> Type
WithinOneOf a b = Either (a = b) $ Either (a = S b) (b = S a)
If x is within one of y, then y is within one of x. Further, x is within one of x for all x:
Reflexive Nat WithinOneOf where
reflexive = Left Refl
Symmetric Nat WithinOneOf where
symmetric (Left x_eq_y) = Left $ sym x_eq_y
symmetric (Right $ Left prf) = Right $ Right prf
symmetric (Right $ Right prf) = Right $ Left prf
A relation that is both reflexive and symmetric is a tolerance relation:
interface (Reflexive ty rel, Symmetric ty rel) => Tolerance ty rel where
Tolerance Nat WithinOneOf where
The within-one-of relation is not transitive. 2 is within one of 3 and 4 is within one of 3, but 2 is not within one of 4. A tolerance relation that is transitive is an equivalence relation. This could also be defined as a symmetric preorder. Or even better, forget about the hierarchy altogether and define an equivalence relation directly as a bundle of reflexive, transitive, and symmetric:
interface (Reflexive ty rel, Transitive ty rel, Symmetric ty rel) => Equivalence ty rel where
Equivalence ty rel => Preorder ty rel where
Equivalence ty rel => Tolerance ty rel where
Let p be a factor of q and let q be factor of r. Is p a factor of r? Yes, and therefore the is-a-factor-of relation is transitive. It’s also reflexive and antisymmetric, and so the relation is another example of a partial order. All of these claims can be proved in Idris, although it takes some work:
data Factor : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
CofactorExists : {p, n : Nat} -> (q : Nat) -> n = p * q -> Factor p n
Reflexive Nat Factor where
reflexive = CofactorExists 1 $ rewrite multOneRightNeutral x in Refl
Transitive Nat Factor where
transitive (CofactorExists qb prfAB) (CofactorExists qc prfBC) =
CofactorExists (qb * qc) $
rewrite prfBC in
rewrite prfAB in
rewrite multAssociative x qb qc in
Preorder Nat Factor where
-- Proofs elided because they are boring and complicated...
multOneSoleNeutral : (a, b : Nat) -> S a = S a * b -> b = 1
oneSoleFactorOfOne : (a : Nat) -> Factor a 1 -> a = 1
Antisymmetric Nat Factor where
antisymmetric {x = Z} (CofactorExists _ prfAB) _ = sym prfAB
antisymmetric {y = Z} _ (CofactorExists _ prfBA) = prfBA
antisymmetric {x = S a} {y = S _} (CofactorExists qa prfAB) (CofactorExists qb prfBA) =
let qIs1 = multOneSoleNeutral a (qa * qb) $
rewrite multAssociative (S a) qa qb in
rewrite sym prfAB in
rewrite prfAB in
rewrite oneSoleFactorOfOne qa . CofactorExists qb $ sym qIs1 in
rewrite multOneRightNeutral a in
PartialOrder Nat Factor where
Reflexivity, transitivity, and symmetry are the most prominent properties of binary relations. A lesser-known property is density: a relation is dense if between any two related elements there is a third related element:
interface Dense ty rel where
dense : {x, y : ty} -> rel x y -> (z : ty ** (rel x z, rel z y))
Every reflexive relation is dense: if x is related to y, then by reflexivity x is related to x, and so x itself serves as the intercalated element:
Reflexive ty rel => Dense ty rel where
dense {x} xy = (x ** (reflexive {x}, xy))
So ≤ is technically dense, but that doesn’t mean much. The strictly-less-than relation < is not dense over the natural numbers: 3 < 4, but there is no x such that 3 < x and x < 4. But it is dense over the rational numbers: if a/b < c/d, then a+c/b+d comes between them.
A relation such that x being related to y and also to z implies that y is related to z is called Euclidean:
interface Euclidean ty rel where
euclidean : {x, y, z : ty} -> rel x y -> rel x z -> rel y z
Euclideanness is commonly listed as a property of relations, but examples are hard to come by. The Wikipedia page for Euclidean relations doesn’t list any! Still, a few general properties can be proved. If a Euclidean relation is reflexive, it is also symmetric; and if it is reflexive, it is also transitive. Finally, a relation that is both transitive and symmetric is Euclidean:
[RES] (Reflexive ty rel, Euclidean ty rel) => Symmetric ty rel where
symmetric {x} xy =
euclidean {x} xy $ reflexive {x}
[RET] (Reflexive ty rel, Euclidean ty rel) =>
Transitive ty rel using RES where
transitive {rel} xy yz =
symmetric {rel} $ euclidean {rel} yz $ symmetric {rel} xy
[TSE] (Transitive ty rel, Symmetric ty rel) => Euclidean ty rel where
euclidean {rel} xy xz =
transitive {rel} (symmetric {rel} xy) xz
As of v0.5, all of these relations and more are included in the Idris 2 standard library. I authored the current design. Earlier version of Idris used a different relation module with fewer relations and an inflexible hierarchy of order relations.