Logic in Reazon I: Generating Sentences of Modal Logic
Here’s a description of the language of modal logic from Boolos’s The Logic of Provability:
Modal sentences. Fix a countably infinite sequence of distinct objects, of which the first five are
, and the others are the sentence letters… Modal sentences will be certain finite sequences of these objects. We shall useA
, … as variables over modal sentences. Here is an inductive definition of modal sentence:(1)
is a modal sentence;(2) each sentence letter is a modal sentence;
(3) if
are modal sentences, so is(A → B)
; and(4) if
is a modal sentence, so is□(A)
.[We shall very often write:
(A → B)
as:A → B
.]Sentences that do not contain sentence letters are letterless. For example,
, and□⊥ → ⊥
are letterless sentences.
It’s easy to translate this into a definition in Reazon miniKanren:
(reazon-defrel modal-logic-sentence (s)
;; (1)
(reazon-== s '⊥)
;; (2)
(reazon-fresh (p)
(reazon-== s p))
;; (3)
(reazon-fresh (A B)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(modal-logic-sentence B)
(reazon-== s `(,A → ,B)))
;; (4)
(reazon-fresh (A)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(reazon-== s `(□ ,A)))))
And given such a definition, it’s even easier to generate instances:
(reazon-run 10 q (modal-logic-sentence q))
- ⊥
- _0
- (□ ⊥)
- (□ _0)
- (⊥ → ⊥)
- (⊥ → _0)
- (□ (□ ⊥))
- (□ (□ _0))
- (0 → ⊥)
- (0 → _1)
All possible modal logic sentences would eventually be generated from that definition.
It’s also easy to add new syntax, like the negation operator ¬
(reazon-defrel modal-logic-sentence (s)
(reazon-== s '⊥)
(reazon-fresh (p)
(reazon-== s p))
;; ¬
(reazon-fresh (A)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(reazon-== s `(¬ ,A)))
(reazon-fresh (A B)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(modal-logic-sentence B)
(reazon-== s `(,A → ,B)))
(reazon-fresh (A)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(reazon-== s `(□ ,A)))))
We can also tweak the definition to generate specific subsets of sentences. For example, the letterless sentences mentioned above contain some interesting cases, like ¬□⊥ → ¬□¬□⊥
. Under the provability interpretation of modal logic, this sentence says that if there is no proof of a falsehood then there is no proof that there is no proof of a falsehood, i.e. Goedel’s second incompleteness theorem.
To get the letterless sentences, simply don’t include the sentence letters.
(reazon-defrel modal-logic-sentence (s)
(reazon-== s '⊥)
;; (reazon-fresh (p)
;; (reazon-== s p))
(reazon-fresh (A)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(reazon-== s `(¬ ,A)))
(reazon-fresh (A B)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(modal-logic-sentence B)
(reazon-== s `(,A → ,B)))
(reazon-fresh (A)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(reazon-== s `(□ ,A)))))
(reazon-run 10 q (modal-logic-sentence q))
- ⊥
- (¬ ⊥)
- (¬ (¬ ⊥))
- (□ ⊥)
- (⊥ → ⊥)
- (¬ (¬ (¬ ⊥)))
- (□ (¬ ⊥))
- (¬ (□ ⊥))
- (¬ (⊥ → ⊥))
- (⊥ → (¬ ⊥))
We’re getting some interesting sentences, like (¬ (□ ⊥))
, but also a lot of junk, like (⊥ → ⊥)
and (¬ (¬ (¬ ⊥)))
. We can fix this by applying ¬
only to sentences beginning with □
and by applying →
only to compound sentences.
(reazon-defrel modal-logic-sentence (s)
(reazon-== s '⊥)
(reazon-fresh (p)
;; Apply negation only to boxed sentences.
(reazon-fresh (a d)
(reazon-== a '□)
(reazon-== p (cons a d)))
(reazon-== s `(¬ ,p))
(modal-logic-sentence p))
(reazon-fresh (p q)
(reazon-== s `(,p → ,q))
;; Apply conditional only to compound sentences.
(reazon-fresh (a d)
(reazon-== p (cons a d)))
(modal-logic-sentence p)
(reazon-fresh (a d)
(reazon-== q (cons a d)))
(modal-logic-sentence q))
(reazon-fresh (p)
(reazon-== s `(□ ,p))
(modal-logic-sentence p))))
(reazon-run 23 q (modal-logic-sentence q))
- ⊥
- (¬ (□ ⊥))
- (□ ⊥)
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))
- (¬ (□ (□ ⊥)))
- (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))))
- (□ (□ ⊥))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (□ ⊥)))))
- (¬ (□ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
- (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))))))
- ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (¬ (□ ⊥)))
- (¬ (□ (□ (□ ⊥))))
- (□ (¬ (□ (□ ⊥))))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (□ ⊥)))))))
- ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (□ ⊥))
- (□ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))))
- (¬ (□ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))))
- (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))))
- (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))))))))
- ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
The twenty-third statement generated from this definition is ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
, the modal logic statement of the second incompleteness theorem. Further on can be found its converse ((□ ⊥) → (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))
, and further still can be found ((□ ⊥) → (□ (□ ⊥)))
, an instance of one of the Hilbert-Bernays derivability conditions.
We can also generate substitution instances. Take the modal distribution axiom ((□ (A → B)) → ((□ A) → (□ B)))
(reazon-run 10 q
(reazon-fresh (A B)
(modal-logic-sentence A)
(modal-logic-sentence B)
(reazon-== q `((□ (,A → ,B)) → ((□ ,A) → (□ ,B))))))
- ((□ (⊥ → ⊥)) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ ⊥)))
- ((□ (⊥ → (¬ (□ ⊥)))) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
- ((□ ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → ⊥)) → ((□ (¬ (□ ⊥))) → (□ ⊥)))
- ((□ (⊥ → (□ ⊥))) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ (□ ⊥))))
- ((□ (⊥ → (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ (¬ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))))
- ((□ ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (¬ (□ ⊥)))) → ((□ (¬ (□ ⊥))) → (□ (¬ (□ ⊥)))))
- ((□ ((□ ⊥) → ⊥)) → ((□ (□ ⊥)) → (□ ⊥)))
- ((□ (⊥ → (¬ (□ (□ ⊥))))) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ (¬ (□ (□ ⊥))))))
- ((□ ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → (□ ⊥))) → ((□ (¬ (□ ⊥))) → (□ (□ ⊥))))
- ((□ (⊥ → (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))) → ((□ ⊥) → (□ (□ (¬ (□ ⊥))))))
Notice that the third result, ((□ ((¬ (□ ⊥)) → ⊥)) → ((□ (¬ (□ ⊥))) → (□ ⊥)))
, contains the contrapositive of the second incompleteness theorem as its consequent.